Bond Street Restoration LLC 

The wall originally surrounding the Kingscote grounds was built of terra cotta block and stucco.  At the time of this project the terra cotta had rotted and the structure come to be seen as a hazard to public safety. 

LkwdAveGate001.bmp (253494 bytes)

This was the main pedestrian gate, on Lakewood Ave.

SeventhStGate001.bmp (253494 bytes)

A view of Kingscote through the Seventh Street gate.  The iron work and light fixtures are being reused.
Seventh&Lkwd001.bmp (253494 bytes) The corner of Seventh Street and Lakewood Avenue.
SeventhSt002.bmp (253494 bytes) Seventh Street looking East from Lakewood Avenue

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This section of wall, returning off Seventh Street, ran along the back of the Kingscote property.
LkwdAve001.bmp (253494 bytes) Lakewood Avenue looking North from 6th Street
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A non-operating gate, on Sixth Street
