Bond Street Restoration LLC 

Cupid Base As Received The base, as it came to me, was full of cement.
Cupid Base Clear of Cement Cleaning revealed a possible contributor to the collapse of the previous installation.
Cupid Base After Repair I used a piece of 1/8" bronze rod 1" wide to reinforce the rim.  Once the reinforcement had been brazed into place, I was able to bridge the gaps in the upper surface.  Another strip with a bronze 1/2"-13 nut attached was brazed in alignment with the water feed running up the leg. A 30" long 1/2" bronze rod threaded  one half its length was then threaded through the nut and up the length of the leg.  The other half of the rod fit into the feed tube running through the marble pedestal, securing the mount.
Cupid Base Repaired Repairs complete we're ready to proceed with installation.
